Heirloom Waistcoats

Transfer to Wordpress




3 Weeks




Concept, Design and Development.

Effortlessly bring your website vision to life with my all-in-one concept, design and development approach.

Transfer website to Wordpress

The client had a huge site that was using old technology, they required the website to be transfered to wordpress to make it more efficient for them to add new content.

Try to keep everything the same but get a working wordpress website within 3 weeks

To achieve the goal, I aimed to create the same site but on Wordpress, almost everything on the new site looks the same as the original, apart from a couple of sections that needed updates.

Transfered Wordpress Website

I was able to get the website done in just 2 weeks the final website looked almost exactly the same as the original. Although now they are able to take advantage of Wordpress's amazing CMS, which allows them to easily delete and update content.