Brain Power

I wanted to create a fun quiz game


Client Name


8 Weeks


web design, Html, Css & javascript


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Concept, Design and Development.

Effortlessly bring your website vision to life with my all-in-one concept, design and development approach.

Create a fun quiz website, while working on my javascript skills

I wanted to test my javascript skills and I thought i should do that by creating something fun.

To have a quiz that counts your score as you go through it

Although this probably sounds simple, at the time I had never done anything like this before, I wanted to make multiple quizzes on the site that would all use similar code and track your score on each.

12 different quizzes

My project was a success, I was able to have 12 different quizzes that all work, however I wish I made it so you coukd see which answer was correct if you got it wrong, I may go back through and redo it in the future.